Sunday 23 November 2008

New Weblogo

One of the great things about this creative space we call t'Internet is all the new words that get made up to describe things that never existed before. I fancy myself as a bit of a neologician(TM) and so I am describing the new bit of artwork on the left <---- as my "weblogo"(TM).

The original design was as a possible idea for A Tiger In Africa(TM) identity but we decided it was a bit flat and old hat. However, I handed it over to that intergenuis(TM) Penfold at GTZero(TM), in the hope that he could make it more 3D-ey, button-y and badge-y, and by Jove, that's exactly what he has done. A+ old chap!
Weblogo(TM) by Penfold(TM)


Daddy Papersurfer said...

Grollynoodle? - need I say more? .... I think not

Somnambulist said...

Grollynoodles are fascinating. They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours, not to mention countless other defining features allowing you to tell them apart from each other...

penfold said...

Crumbs I haven't had a n A+ since I was 15, writing chemistry nonsense for the great Doc Boo.
Intergenius? :)

Somnambulist said...

@penfold - From a casual observer's perspective, you still seem to be doing fairly well at chemistry recently ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'll give it an A+ too

70steen said...

oooo nice-y badge-y
indeed-y...I like-y

It's taken years off you ;-)

Somnambulist said...

@nursey - thanks, I'll pass on the thumbs up!

@70s - It's amazing what a little air-brushing can do :-)

tNb said...

Okay, Penfold (TM) gets an A+ from me (TM) too. Also getting more intrigued by Project Dennis ...

Anonymous said...

A simple but very successful improvement. Well done!

Andrew Goulding

Somnambulist said...

@tnb - No bias in your marking, I'm sure. Ahem. ;-)

I'll start to add more colour on PD as the work gets underway on the Beta-site. If there is anything specific you'd like to know, drop me a line or use the contact form on the ATIA website...

@laog - Thank you sir (I have no problem basking in the reflected glory of Penfold's intergenius).