We are getting very close to actually spending some money on Project Dennis. The problem is, who do we give it to? Searching for Web Developers on the, err, Web is a minefield. Search engines spew out acres of information, but we don't really want acreage, we want informed decision making.
Follow the links? Follow the sponsored links? Trawl the message boards? Guess from their own websites? Find reviews (but written by whom? and when?)? That one looks good, but they're based in Mumbai. This one has a nice name, but will they deliver? I guess I should ask people who know about these things, but how would I know if one opinion is better than another. i can't ask everybody...
The thing is, it's not just about developers, the problem exists with everything and anything. What's the best hosting company for our requirements? What's the best recruitment company? What's the best place to open an office? What's the best place to live? What's the best restaurant? What's the best hotel? Best bank? Best charity? Best beer? Best social-networking site? Best excuse for not turning up for work? Best pet? Best school? Best artist? Best footballer? Best blog?...
Now, if someone could just build a website that gathered everyone's opinion (on anything and everything) in an engaging manner that encouraged contribution, and used a clever algorithm to ensure that experience and age (of opinion) mattered, and organised it in a way that made it incredibly simple to filter all that infomation to deliver it in an order that made sense to the enquirer, you'd have a perpetually up-to-date resource of, well, everything.
Hang on a minute...
Nope, still can't get it into 20 words or less. Ah well, when it's built the first thing I'll use it for is finding a developer to build it. Ah. OK, just a couple more creases to iron out, Dennis.
3 days ago
Chickens and eggs - I hope it's a chicken, they have legs
An early post for a Sunday morning...6.55 am ? I hope you'll find a good answer to the chicken-eggs situation;)
@DP - I hope Dennis has legs too. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. And my legs...
@Trywalker - Hey dude, welcome back! Early start for me, I had the 7.20 back from Heathrow ;-)
Strangely I know an analyst who specialises in IT startups (she's very smart). Email me...
Will do. Nice camper van. I might need one of those too... ;-)
Impressive post but have no idea what you are taking about lol ;-)
ah I am such a Luddite!
@70s - thank you, and please do not be concerned about not understanding, the problem lies in the explaining (or lack of). I'm getting there, and if I can't get sub 1000 words then I'll draw a picture instead :-)
Pictures are good lol :-)
Hey, I know a very good developer. Maybe you can talk to him, he's very busy usually.
Anyhoo, link exchange? I like your blog.
Hi Alexis,
Thanks for dropping in, and for the tip. I will drop you an email :-)
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