Monday 18 August 2008

Somnambulists Ramble Home

Back at last! Apologies for the sporadic updates (all complaints have been duly logged and filed), and the even more sporadic comment replies. Abnormal service has now been resumed...

When we finally unloaded everything from HM Research Vessel Q7 we had a few count-ups and we appear to be missing a mini-Somnambulist. It's possible that the under-exercised one gnawed his way through the safety bars and devoured him as a light scoobie snack, but I think it's more likely that we simply forgot to check him out of one of the myriad B&Bs we stayed in. No matter, we had a spare one shipped in from Ireland yesterday evening, who bravely embarked on a solo flight behind enemy lines - he's everso polite and I think he will do just fine. I have no doubt the other one will turn up sooner or later, and if he doesn't we'll just keep the replacement...

Mini-Somnambulist I, last seen on a Cornish beach. If found please mail to this blog, thanks.

(Yesterday was a special day for two special people - HJ & MM...wish I could have delivered birthday hugs & kisses :-( )


Daddy Papersurfer said...

I tried to replace mine for years, kept moving and not telling them the new address but no luck I'm afraid - ho hum

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I hope you had fun, despite mislaying a mini! LOL!

Somnambulist said...

@DP - can't deny they do have a certain doggedness about them...

@Jay - bundles of laughs thanks! ..And not to worry, he turned up in one of the washing baskets :-))