Friday 22 August 2008

Phriday Photo IV

A trader I used to work with had a favourite saying when things were going his way... "I'm happier than a dog with two ++++s!"

Diphallic Terata is an extremely rare condition. Partially in the sense that very, very few people are born with it, and partially in the sense that it's one of the few physical deformities that it is not really necessary to to feel overwhelmingly sympathetic for those blessedeee congenital sufferers.

Political correctness gone potty...?


Anonymous said...

Um, yeah. That's ... interesting!


Somnambulist said...

You can almost imagine the irate foreman, 10 minutes to completion deadline, standing at the door to the restroom with the apprentice builder's ear between his fingers...

"Now, Bob, tell me what's wrong with this picture?!"