Tuesday 12 August 2008

Wonder How Things Are Going At The Office...?

I'm sure that UDH Boy, one day back from holiday, has everything under control...


Anonymous said...

Your faith is well placed, everything totally under control. After strolling in all leisurely at my now customary 8.10 yesterday, I proceeded to eBay and Eurosport my way through a tough day of blissful peace and quiet (these noise cancelling supermuffs are great, and the zoomaphonic megatunnelvision blinkers make it impossible for any of the spot monkeys or sales mules to interrupt my Olympics fest).Its also 23 and sunny here, which is great for when I take my legendary 4 hour lunch breaks.
I have ordered a red coat, as I am Chief holiday camper. In fact, how many colours you got them coats in shaaaag? (You need to have that story told btw...)

Somnambulist said...

Remind me of the coloured-coats story UDH...?