Friday 15 August 2008

Phriday Photo III

The bear market will come to an end and then the bulls will be back with a vengence!

A flamboyant hedge-fund manager finds out that selling-short can be painful too.


Daddy Papersurfer said...

Ooooooooooouch .......

Anonymous said...

Copyright infringment! I know an Aud trader in Sydney who will be most upset you're stealing his material. Isn't that illegal in your blogosphere? Hurry back, FJV and I just had a 40 minute chat. I need a valium. Oh btw, you're doing Eur and Yen on Thursday from 8 till 3. I'll be in London, having German incompetence in dentistry unwound over several painful hours of root canal foragery. Mind you, you'll have FJV and SB for company so I'll take the dentist chair every time. Pip pip!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I love to see bullfighters come unstuck!! I have a picture of a matador inspecting the damage, far too rude to put up on my blog, and also not mine to use, but it's so funny!

Somnambulist said...

Hi! Back from travels and apologies for poor blogship of the past few days...

@DP - Ouucch indeed. (that was pain of aging joints after driving 2,500km)

@UDH - I dunno the rules, I just work here. Can't do Thursday, sorry old bean. Where's my pip pip?!

@Jay - I have a funny feeling I know the exact photo you are referring to... ;-)