Monday 4 August 2008

Blogging At Work

I have been trying to follow Daddy Papersurfer's instructions on how to be a professional blogger, posted over here. Complex as the instructions are, I eventually managed to construct a passable version of the required equipment.

What I didn't appreciate is that problogging is something that requires enormous dedication of time and effort, which is not necessarily compatible with a busy day job. I can't deny that on occasion the ability NOT to be able to see what is going on on or around UDH Boy's desk is useful. All those charts and numbers going in the wrong directions (not to mention the inexpicable dismantling of perfectly operational electrical goods) can be somewhat distracting at times, so retreating into one's own little dark blogosphere can be quite comforting.

However, while UDH Boy is away, someone has to keep an eye on things, as, left to their own devices, the spot monkeys can make a right mess of things. I also got some funny looks from people with bluetooth headsets who haven't seen professional blogging in action.

From now on I will have to restrict my blogging activities to non-office hours...

Visible evidence that UDH Boy's desk is being put to practical use in his absence

thanks for the snap, Trywalker ;-)


Anonymous said...

Ok, I assume this photo was taken VERY early one day, as there are nowhere near enough trades done on the UDH tool there to comfort me that you're making a serious effort to cover my absence. With SB away too the lack of any visible eBay activity is also worrying as we have a reputation to maintain. I am almost bothered enough to consider cancelling the two weeks of sick leave I have planned to commence on Friday...

Daddy Papersurfer said...

That's a very good first attempt young Sleepy Head [rather slapdash actually ...... but he's young ..... must make an effort to encourage him].

BTW I'm rather jealous of all your television sets ...... where do you keep all the remotes?

70steen said...

It wasn't funny looks the blue tooth heads were giving you it was just pure 'box' envy....... very professional looking

Do you feel like Elvis with all those screens around you??

Somnambulist said...

@ el UDH nino (hehe) - I knew you would pick up on the low deal count.. all I can say is that despite my UDH days now occupying a dwindling portion of fading memory I have put this time to good use nevertheless. Trywalker is learning all sorts of important things that you have clearly forgotten to teach him. He had absolutely no idea that a 'monkey' = 500, or that morning glory meant, well, morning glory. So, sharpen up when you get back and incidentally, all sick leave is cancelled, except for Invisible Girl who has another 42 weeks to take this year.

@DP - Good point about the remotes. We have a huge box of them in the corner, with an even huger box of batteries next to it. On my next coffee break (which is never more than 4 minutes away) I am going to sift through and find all the ones that operate UDH Boys TV screens, re-tune them to the Chinese Olympics (in Chinese) and then take the batteries out and throw the remotes in the Rhine. It should take Schadenfreude Boy at least a couple of days to get replacements from ebay.

@70steen - honoured to have you drop by :-) ...I do feel a bit like Elvis at times. Sadly, it's unglamourously due solely to the irresistable expansion of the middle-aged spread. And I don't even like donuts...

orangepeel said...

Sad news indeed that the author will no longer be blogging from those busy offices.

Obviously, a veiled excuse as interest in blogging is beginning to wane...

Time to officially announce the "bubbly wager". I won't stipulate a certain amount of blogs per week, or anything like that - who needs an excuse for a glass of Dom?

Anonymous said...

I left a cheat sheet with Trywalker explaining what a Monkey, Pony, Score, Carpet and even a Nevis are in cockney trading slang. The morning glory was something I had hoped he could rise to understanding all by himself....
Get trading, stop blogging at the office!

Somnambulist said...

@orangepeel – there are some things that I will miss but there are a LOT of things that I won’t! I’ll come to that closer to the big leap.

The “bubbly wager” is gleefully accepted. I’m rather enjoying my daily ramble and will look forward to collecting that glass of Dom at the end of the year. Perhaps we can celebrate the opening of the ATIA offices at the same time!

p.s. thanks for not using your Mrs N-B alias on here ;-)

@ el UDH nino – You are mistaken. Plenty of trading going on here. I have already sold all your TV remote controls and your EBS keypad on ebay, the eshizakinderkundedevisentools are ticking away, and our favourite Indian friend has started asking for prices in gold. I’m using MET-SPOT, is that ok? :-D

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Ooooo - loads of comments I don't understand - all is right with the world - BTW I'm surprised that ponies and monkeys are allowed in the office, they could spoil the carpet.

[actually I did understand donuts but you haven't got any - poo]

Somnambulist said...

We have more monkeys than you can shake a stick at here, DP, and they're all pony.

Donut reference duly noted - I shall stock up for your next visit ;-)

Anonymous said...

-El UDH Nino: Morning Glory is a flower which has a 1 day life and opens the leaves colorfully in the morning. ( so how am I supposed to know if my boss being dodgy and asking me a haupthbahnoff question on a regular day while I cover your absence ! ;)

42 weeks ? I think Invisible girl has another paper from the doc at work.. so I expect a correction on that number ! ;)

Somnambulist said...

el UDH nino - rush back. Trywalker has lost it... developing a weird fascination with TRY/JPY positions...

70steen said...

oooo I am honoured to be 'honoured' by dropping by! ;-)

Donuts? Wasn't Elvis's thing hamburgers a bit like Popeye’s friend J Wellington Wimpy 'I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today'

middle aged spread is such a blight.. I remember watching those Nimble adverts 'pinching more than an inch' and wondering what that was about!!!

Somnambulist said...

Mmmmmmmm... Hamburgers.....