Friday 5 September 2008

Phriday Photo VI

I have always been in awe of people who grow their own houses. The Papersurfers, for example, seem to sprout them everywhere. Lynne & Tony are currently whittling one out of palm trees on the Cote d'Azur.

I've always thought it would be a fascinating venture, but I know that I would probably start with the wrong type of soil or fertiliser, or have the plans the wrong way up. Think I'll stick to Dennis...

"Ja, Ja. Aber dass is how it vas on ze fax..."


Daddy Papersurfer said...

Catford Police Station was actually turned through 180˚ and built facing away from the main road - apparently the architect committed suicide after the mistake was discovered. They just built a portico on the front which was the back and left it as it was - there's always wiggle room ......

Anonymous said...

Clearly not a sausagesider builder / site. Judging by the sunlight this photo was taken between 10.30am and 3pm, and I see no eBay, zeitunglesen, Oyrosprort (say it..) or beestreesfart meeting going on.

Somnambulist said...

@DP - don't you think that was a bit of an overreaction by the architect? If it was the Albert Hall maybe, but Catford nick?!

Some people take their jobs too seriously. Speaking of which...

@UDH - What are you angry about? The house is clearly designed that way so that Oyrosport can be cabled in through the dish on the roof. Or summat...