Saturday 6 September 2008


It's a tough, dog eat dog world out there, and it seems like you have to fight for airspace in every direction you look. During the week it's the battle for the Golden Log with UDH, Trywalker and the rest (with Schadenfreude Boy picking over the carcasses), and then at the weekends it's taking on the cyberworld with Project Dennis.

Coming into the study to quietly write my daily musings seems like a therapeutic relief from the day-in, day-out struggle to be top dog. Until now. I got back from the day job yesterday and the computer had been commandeered!

The under-exercised hairy one has started his own dog blog. I wonder where he got that idea from, the sneaky blighter. Anyway, please don't encourage him, he'll only want a treat. Whatever you do, don't visit this page.

Copycat. Dog.


Daddy Papersurfer said...

We aren't going to get down to hamster level are we ...... sheeeesh

Somnambulist said...

It's worse that you think. He has a Facebook profile as well, and more friends than me!