Thursday 9 October 2008

Unidentified Trading Wound

Gathering my thoughts about the state of the world this evening I noticed an injury on the outer knuckles of my right hand. Nothing serious, just a scraping and contusion that could have happened anywhere. Except I haven't been anywhere except the office...

The only conclusion I can come to is that since I am currently sitting to the left of Trywalker, and since he is the only person left in striking distance this week, I must have inadvertently lashed out at him once or twice, during a bout of Clear Market Turbulence. Sorry, mate.

Despite the knuckle injury, I still managed to calculate a 1-month forecast for EUR/ISK...


Daddy Papersurfer said...

BTW, the TG managed to get her investments out of Iceland ..... and got them home before they melted ..... phew

Somnambulist said...

Thank goodness for that DP. There's nothing worse than over-thawed frozen prawns...

Lazy said...

I once over-thawed frozen prawns in the microwave, they ended up sort of cooked. That was a nice bonus, the botulism... not so much

Anonymous said...

You just made valid the very common statement of these days... The financial world is OUT OF CONTROL ;-))

SnOwY bEaR said...

no wonder the banking industry is in a mess ... that calc doesn't look like it would hold enough numbers looks like an old 70s casio?

Somnambulist said...

@lazy - I think they are recruiting for the next series of Masterchef. Worth a thought...

@Stefania - It is, in fact, out of control. The governments of the world are resorting to plan Z, which is to nationalise everything. Financial markets and socialism are not the friendliest of bed-partners. I'm running to the hills!

@Snowy - an astute observation for a tired old plaything. However, there are plenty of digits on there. I have a rule of thumb that anything over 9 is basically someone else's problem.