Friday 17 October 2008

Phriday Photo XII

To Americans antiquity comes pretty much immediately after the expiration of a sell-by date, which makes me think that US tourists are most likely to be the target market for this particular small business...
You can't buy authenticity. Or maybe you can.

Happy birthday to both dadnambulist & SK :-)


Daddy Papersurfer said...

We used to make antiques ......

SnOwY bEaR said...

I couldn't have written that place name better if I had tried lol :-)
I wonder if 'skupmks' is a place too (the word verif!)

SnOwY bEaR said...

I couldn't have written that place name better if I had tried lol :-)
I wonder if 'skupmks' is a place too (the word verif!)

Somnambulist said...

@dp - that doesn't surprise me, the papersurfers can make anything. Actually, some of them could probably now be classified as antiques in their own right I would think...

@snowy - you couldn't make it up. Well, you know what I mean. It's twinned with Ilbggwt.