Tuesday 7 October 2008

Clear Market Turbulence

Clear Air Turbulence, or CAT, is what pilots like to refer to as a 'bit of chop.' You can't see it coming and you don't know how long it will last, so you keep your seatbelt fastened and hope for the best. The financial markets are experiencing a 'bit of chop' at the moment, and for those of us that are airborne and at the controls (as opposed to lolloping around swimming pools) it's a kind of bumpy ride. I was saving this one for Phriday's Photo, but that seems a long way away so it gets an early posting...

Roughly translated, this sign says: "Spot Monkeys - please try to assume a relaxed position when panicking. Thank you."


SnOwY bEaR said...

you know it is times like this I am glad I am a battered old teddy .... wouldn't like to see my stuffin come out during a'bit of chop'

Good luck in the pilot seat.... does it feel like a white knuckle ride.... smooth then O_M_G... screaming ;-)

Somnambulist said...

Hi Snowy! Seems like the word is spreading (amongst stuffed animals at least.. ahem).

It's more like being at the whole funfair. Yes there are the white-knuckle rollercoasters, yes there are the nausea-inducing Wurlitzers, but there are also those kind of fire-work moments. Oooh! Aaah! Look at THAT exploding Aussie dollar.... Then you get to the end of the day and realise that you spent all your money.

Somnambulist said...

p.s. You also have to watch out for those drive-by pickpockets as well :-)

SnOwY bEaR said...

word spreading... Bull & Bear markets ... we like to keep an eye on things !!

wow it all sounds exciting yet terrifying..... thank goodness I don't have any pockets ...except when I am dressed up as Elvis (there are photos on Flickr)

tNb said...

I do so wish I knew how to lollop ...

Somnambulist said...

@Snowy - dare I venture onto Flickr to look at pictures of you in an Elvis outfit.. perhaps at the weekend.

@tNb - Honestly. If penfold, master-lollopper if ever I have seen one, hasn't passed on his skills, you need to have words :-)

Anonymous said...

Whaddya mean lolloping by pools? I assume that is aimed at me, considering FVJ is in Golders Green, where you don't lollop so much as pause briefly between avoiding one potential stabbing and another. VB is in Oz, where it's illegal to lollop by pools as it may put off the next Thorpedo in waiting during his 114 length pre training warm up.
Which leaves me, and I am mostly lolloping on the beach as it happens, although our private pool is not a bad lollopesque area, when I'm not stopping the kids from falling into the bloody thing (its unheated btw so not for the faint hearted despite sunny Mallorcan weather... Lollop don't swim seems to be order of the day).
Still, beats being there watching SB fall ably off log of the year ;)

Somnambulist said...

@UDH - Sorry to interrupt your glollopping (neologistic combination of gloating and lollopping), but it's like a lumber yard here... logs everywhere :-)

Daddy Papersurfer said...

I have complete faith in you - even if you are doing pilates at work ...

Somnambulist said...

@DP - No thanks. I went to a pilates class once and never again. Everyone took the mick out of my eyepatch, wooden leg and stuffed parrot...