Friday 12 December 2008

Phriday Photo XX

In any walk of life, boasting about your achievements before you have actually completed the task at hand is a recipe for disaster. When you are a high profile politician the risks are amplified many times over. George Bush declaring "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq a few years back springs to mind. I'm not sure his credibility, such as it was, really ever recovered from that moment on...

Mr Gordon Brown gave us all a laugh when he gaffed in the House of Commons this week by opening with "We have not only saved the world..." When he managed to get a word in between the delirious cackling, he explained that what he had meant to say was that "We have saved the banking world..."

Well, I am not sure whether or not the jury has returned on that one SuperG, but history will take a long, hard look at the obvious question: "At what cost?"

The smugger the pride, the harder the fall...

To view previous Phriday Photos, click here!


Daddy Papersurfer said...

I'm sure things will even out despite him .........or in spite of him .... [I am a financial genies arse]

70steen said...

as long as he resists wearing his Y-fronts outside his suit trousers we will be just fine.....

Somnambulist said...

@DP - You are right of course, being a financial, er, thingy. What I will wager though, is that many people will be a bit surprised at who they are even with, once the levelling has been done...

@70s - SuperG or Daddy P ? (does DP own suit trousers?!)

70steen said...

OMG Suoer Gordony of course .. if the underwear starts showing (or smelling) we are doomed ... as for DP it it is a usual weekend event I believe ... so I have been told (the underwear outside the pants.. couldn't comment on the smell though!!) ;-)

misterwoppit said...

Gordon Brown's Ben-Wah Love Eggs fire into life.

Somnambulist said...

@70s - I'd rather not think about what DP gets up to at weekends. Oh no, I just did. Eeeek.

@MrW - Ben-Wah love eggs... brilliant :-)))

Anonymous said...

Damn, not being a Brit. I can't really think of anything interesting to say on Mr. Brown. He's so less easy to despise than George Bush.

Andrew Goulding

Somnambulist said...

@laog - You are so right. He is easy to mock (he's a Scottish politician after all), but just not interesting enough to despise.