After more than 17 years in the banking industry it's time to take a break.
As someone said to me last week, in this game we count them in dog years, which makes around 122, and means I have actually been doing this for nearly 1,500 (doggy) months. And boy does it feel like it.
As the last few hours drift by there's a pleasant end-of-term feeling while I tie up loose ends. My inbox has been literally inundated with an email from a well-wisher - someone who I actually got along with in the workplace. Like a satisfied Fawlty Towers customer, I'm thinking of having them stuffed. I assume the general joviality amongst everyone else is down to the approaching holidays and the tremendous year it's been in the world of finance, rather than anything to do with my departure.
It's a real privilege handing over the reins to the eminently capable UberDevisenHandler Boy. Good luck as Global Monkey-Herder, old chap. Try to ignore the babbling, bickering baboons and draw strength from the solid stalwarts.
I'll know when you've done your time when you start a personal weblog and alliterate to alleviate the alienation and afflictions.
3 days ago
I'm counting on, through cunning and calculation, being able to conjur some co-operation from this collection of c.....errr, co-workers.
Uh-oh....does that mean?? Err let's forget that part...
Seriously, in one way it's been with a heavy heart I've taken up the reins. I'm never one to shirk a challenge or a chance to advance personally, but I'll really miss working with you. Your support and mentoring has been of huge help to me, helped of course by some of our shared views on a lot of things market/banking. The fact that you're someone who shares a similarly warped sense of humour as me has led to there being plenty of laughs along the way and that's one of the things I'll miss most when the shiza is flying at me from all angles in Q1!!
You're leaving behind a business that's in great shape, hope I'm able to build on the legacy.
Needless to say if you get bored of taking over the world and want to come back as a mere monkey, there's always a spot (groan) here.
P.s. The well wishing emails are all being caught by your new mail rules and diverted into The Bottom Draw From Hell Itself. I'll be sifting through them for the next six months...
It is a strange feeling when you leave something you essentially like .. that is tough work, that you are good at, to do something else, take up a new challenge...
I did that a couple of years ago ... it was a complete culture shock but pleased now I have done it
I am sure UDH will do sterling job (or is it a Yen job, Euro job, dollar job these days???)
@udh - it's been a blast :-))
Leave it a couple of months before attempting to pry open the bottom drawer.
@70s - what was your change of tack? Was this from wine-store or hotelling?
p.s. Making currency jokes? I think you may have been hanging around here a little long...
Excuse me for not particating to the posts, mate.
I ve learned a lot with you in terms of trading skills,disipline and of course wines. The last week, more time spending together also showed me that you are not only my boss also a good friend in absolute values.
I hope you are going to be one of those billioners with the next bubble ;)
is your new home in old blighty going to be anywhere near 70s or daddypapersurfer?
Sorry if I told you I would have to kill you lol :-)
yep sorry about the poor currency jokes btw
Good luck buddy... I have very little doubt you'll be the next internet success story. If you get filthy rich and then become a philanthropist, my mortgage has been registered as a non-profit charity!!
Even though you were a great boss to me, I've always regarded you as a friend first, and hence don't see this as goodbye but just a mate making a career change. We'll keep in touch, I'm sure.
Re: udh boy
"...if you get bored of taking over the world..."
No, no, no, global dictator will be my job!
Andrew Goulding
@trywalker - kind words indeed. You are the most appropriately named person I know (and I am not talking about "trywalker"). I almost feel bad now for accidentally revealing that I beat you on your playstation soccer game. Twice.
@nursey - gonna be some way from 70s. As for DP, I had no idea he was a real person. We may be nearby but I cannot imagine we would frequent many of the same establishments. (except perhaps the loony bin in a few years).
@70s - never apologise for bad jokes around here, you'll undermine the whole system.
@bambam - The sentiment is very much returned mate. I am glad to have been involved in your career in some way, but the friendship is much more important. Who'd have thought Brits and Ozzies could get on so well?!
If I make it rich, then you will of course share in that. If I make it filthy, well... we'll keep that between ourselves, eh?
@laog - There can be only one! Of course, like some giant game of Risk, we start on opposite sides of the board. I predict battle lines in Kamchatka.
"One day, lad, allll this will be yours!"
"What, the curtains?"
You're leaving? Boy, do I know that feeling of relief when approaching the last day of a stressful job - not that I flew anywhere near as high as you. Mine was in education, with disaffected teenagers.
Nice to know you were appreciated. Good luck with whatever's next!
Ohhhooh is it all really just a big game of Risk? I'll have the lot of yers.Outside, now.
(Brummies win by default, we're using to everyone hating us from all directions and well, we fight dirty...)
P.s. I'd not bother with clashing in Kamchatka until its a foregone conclusion troopwise, its always key to nail Europe first! All those reinforcements...Aaah Risk, now THAT would be among the top strategy board games ever, if someone ever made such a list. :p
@Jay - not sure there is ,uch to choose between disaffected teenagers and disaffected spot monkeys... as for flying high, not sure of the altitude achieved, but it was generally by the seat of one's pants!
@UDH Boy - Europe first?! Dear oh dear... oh wait, is that a diversionary tactic to make us think you're an amateur... bring it on :-)))
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