Wednesday 17 December 2008

Number Puzzle II

I've had a couple of requests for another number puzzle, so here we go.

Answer to dan (at) atigerinafrica (dot) com, brainboxes will appear below in order of correct received responses...

What's the next number in the series?

13, 35, 57, 79, 911, ...

List of Brainboxes
lazy - well done! (are you nocturnal?!)
70s - nice to see you on the leader board ;-)
UDH Boy - I suspect he got some help at kindergarten
trywalker - with the most complicated explanation to a simple puzzle I have ever seen... :-D
orangepeel & headteach - in a dead heat. Or so they say...
bambambam - the next one will be harder. I promise!
papersurfer - I knew what you meant... you must be distracted by something ;-)
Jay - better late than never :-))

To see previous number puzzles, click here!


Anonymous said...

When I saw 911 as the 5th number I thought... cool this will take a bit of thinking..... 12 seconds later it was obvious. Boo Hoo. hahaha

Somnambulist said...

Yeah, I guess one of those ones that you either just see straight away... or spend 3 hours deciphering a lengthy alogrithm that isn't there. Although trywalker managed to find one :-)

Anonymous said...

Could it be this easy, I wonder?

If not, please be kind - remember my brain is pickled with Tramadol! LOL!

Somnambulist said...

@Jay - I'm just leading everyone into a false sense of security ;-)