Wednesday 16 July 2008

Another Day At A Medium-Sized International Investment Bank

I eagerly await the introduction today of my new boss. Yesterday my interim boss' boss called me for a secret meeting to explain the new organisational structure that was in the process of being discussed by the board. I would have felt a certain sense of importance by being brought into the circle of trust, were it not for the fact that all the details that were being revealed in 'strictest confidence' have been part of the public rumour mill for around 4 weeks. My interim boss' boss told me that my new boss' boss would be calling me yesterday afternoon to talk to me about the new structure but he didn't. I had a rare sighting of my interim boss yesterday afternoon. He looked flustered.

All this is indisputably the fault of my former boss, who quit three months ago, leaving a power vacuum of considerable proportions. Thanks mate.

(...meanwhile, in an attic far, far away, my partner-in-grime has taken a day off from his proper job and is beavering away... I can almost smell the corporate identity starting to flesh itself out from a different time-zone. Go for it N :-) )


Anonymous said...

Powerful vacuum? What vacuum, that would mean there was no air for us to bre..

Seriously, I bet your interim boss was flustered. He worked VERY hard looking after you and improving lots of things in the last few months, only for it all to be taken away. It's so unfair. And I bet he doesn't even have a blog or a holey whale. Shame.

Somnambulist said...

Thanks, I now have Maroon 5's "Harder To Breathe" doing musical circuit training in my head...

You're quite right though UDHBoy, it's all terribly unfair, but what goes around comes around, they say.

Incidentally, first impressions are that new-boss will be a positive step forward. The remaining period of the exit strategy may be bearable after all... although there is that niggling doubt left by LV's obvious satisfaction at the recent turn of events...