I have so little time I can't even finish the subject title. Sincere, heartfelt, guilty, apologies to all the tasks that are being delayed by a few minutes, but I haven't posted here for some time, and the briefest of snapshots seems appropriate at this moment.
Our outstanding task-list on the Project Dennis alpha site has been gradually, methodically, unflaggingly whittled away to a paltry 50 items. Over the last couple of weeks, in the run-up to our full testing phase, the site has started to take on a much more dynamic, usable, 'lived-in' look and feel, and we are genuinely excited about inviting everyone on in less that three weeks.
It's been a long time (much longer than we had anticipated) coming, but the light is most definitely peering at us from the end of the tunnel. This is just as well, since my vow not to cut my hair until it's done and dusted has forced me to learn how to live with a pony tail. If only they could see me now. A good friend, who I'd not seen for some time, remarked that I look like an 'Italian porn star.' I suspect he didn't mean it as a compliment, but I'll take it as one nonetheless.
Onwards and onwards....
1 week ago
You're back! Glad to see it!! Good luck with your launch, if that is the right word to use? Saw this scrawled into wet pavement a month or so ago: "Become your dream".
We are all waiting for the launch !
and I hope he didn't tell you whom gave the Italian stallion idea.. oopps :)
@Patsou - Never left ;-)
Thanks for the good wishes and the inspiration... exciting times!!
@trywalker - greetings young Padowan ;-) ...and what have you been saying :-O
fyi - functionality now works for Safari, Firefox and Chrome. A little more tidying to do on those next week, but you can even use the voting tools on your iPhone :-)
I bought a HTC Hero couple months ago, mate. please check www.trywalker.com when you have time and let me know what you think.
all the best and good luck with the project.
@trywalker - a most excellent website dude... very nice indeed :-)
What's the HTC Hero like...? Please add to Dennis' Top 100 Gadgets!!
I'm googling "Somnambulistico" and seeing what turns up.
thanks for adding trywalker.com to your list, mate. I think you have the link as htpp://trywalker.com with www missing and that doesnt let the link update itself.. :)
@loag - I'd dread to think what you might unsurface... the mind boggles.
@trywalker - I've tried to amend it but with no joy. I think perhaps it may be to do with your RSS feed?
I recognise the letters but have no idea what they say when joined up !![I have just been head hunted onto a high level project team and I have no idea about what they speak either ... strange old world!!]
Just hoping all is going swimmingly along :-)
@70s - It all becomes a bit of a blur doesn't it?
It's all going swimmingly-ish (barring a little Royal Mail-esque industrial action.. full details after we have come to agreement with the unions)...
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