Time has acquired previously undetected physical properties and is evaporating vigorously before my very eyes... either that or its being consumed by Dennis' voracious appetite for man hours.
9 months into development, Dennis trundles along gathering proportions like a fast food addict. In a snowball. Would we have started, had we realised the gargantuousness of the task at hand? Sure, but we might have sliced him up into more bit-sized pieces.
I am not going to tempt fate by suggesting we have a sniff of the finish line. Instead, I'll content myself with the fact that a remarkable amount has already been accomplished, and that it won't be long before a wider audience gets their first look... I hope they are not entirely underwhelmed.
You might think, quite sensibly, that with Dennis seeming marginally Sisyphean, one would be foolish to embark on any additional, major undertaking in parallel. But we like a challenge at A Tiger In Africa, and possibly for that reason alone, Dennis now has a sibling.
Project Norman (unfortunately I was out-voted and the epithet 'Spiny' was removed from the title) combines real-world game-play with online connectivity and collaboration. That's about all I can say at the moment, but details will be gradually released here...
1 week ago
Good heavens ...... can't you concentrate on one thing at a time? - young people nowadays - now when I was young and the abacus was king .... oh never mind.......
@DP - No, I think I may have attention deficit dis... order laminates, call engineers, hire a CTO, write business plan, check website, reply to...
must dash.
You might end up with a combined product called Spiny Dennis or something. Norden, or maybe Mandis. Just try to get enough sleep, huh? LOL!
@Jay - I like your thinking... you might have something there. I'd sleep on it, if I had the time ;-)
Just popped over to "here". The Dennis blurb sounds interesting but a trifle elitist with populist leanings. What the bloody hell am I waffling on about?
Good luck!
@laog - What do you mean? I'm far too superior to be elitist.
"real-world game-play with online connectivity and collaboration" ... ooo how exciting ...
[like I have any idea what you are talking about ..but very good luck and look forward to maybe understanding something of it at some stage whenever!!! :-)]
@70s - Actually it is all rather exciting!! It won't be very long at all before it's more than just chit-chat :-))
And to think that only to-day I bought small people a Rubik's cube to play with when on stand-by! What sort of late developer am I? Is spiny related to echidna?
@anonymous - The mythical Echidna, no. The mythical Edna, perhaps.
In fact, there was a rumour going around the ATIA office that it was Norman that put the 'chi' in Edna.
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