FX Traders' survival wear...
(pic above now viewable - thanks for the heads-up, Jay!)
To view previous Phriday Photos, click here!
Charting the fumbling, bumbling, bleary-eyed meander out of the comfort zone, in search of the Holy Whale.
(pic above now viewable - thanks for the heads-up, Jay!)
To view previous Phriday Photos, click here!
I have no idea where Lorzweiler is, or whether it is locally renowned for cheesy comestibles. Wherever it is, it's unlikely to be as smelly as its more prestigious twin-town.
This is where cheese comes from.
While you're waiting for the numbers, here's a little puzzle to keep you thinking (courtesy TC):
TGL is awarded, and retained by, the last trader to receive a significant "gift" - a low-risk client trade that nets a decent profit on their book - thus signifying that said spot monkey has made his money through luck rather than skill. The name is a derivation from the old phrase "falling off a log", meaning something ridiculously easy to do...
There is no set value of a log and TGL is passed on by consensus of the other spot monkeys. As a result, the more that one tries to protest that gifts were actually generated from craft and sweat, the more likely one is to end up with TGL on their desk.
Trywalker, being the young, sensitive, superstitious type, absolutely detests receiving TGL, since he considers it a personal slight on his trading ability, and because Fenerbace once lost a football match within 2 weeks of him earning TGL 5 days in a row. This is bad luck for him, since all the freebies seem to come in his currencies :-)
In reality TGL is a somewhat inconspicuous yellow and black cup cooler. For months I have had the intention of replacing it with a proper piece of tackorama - I imagine a kind of plastic gold log sculpture atop a plinth and plaque - but have no clue where to even begin getting one. I've browsed in the windows of a couple of shops that do trophies, but to be honest they are near the Hauptbahnhof and I have a suspicion that if I wander in asking for "Ein Goldene Baumstamm, bitte," I could end up getting more than I bargained for. Any ideas welcome...
The closest Trywalker will come to winning Olympic gold...
Incidentally, being number 50 today, that makes this the "Golden Post", if not quite the "Golden Blog" ... orangepeel, you might want to start thinking about making space in the fridge for that bottle of Dom ;-)
I have been trying to follow Daddy Papersurfer's instructions on how to be a professional blogger, posted over here. Complex as the instructions are, I eventually managed to construct a passable version of the required equipment.
What I didn't appreciate is that problogging is something that requires enormous dedication of time and effort, which is not necessarily compatible with a busy day job. I can't deny that on occasion the ability NOT to be able to see what is going on on or around UDH Boy's desk is useful. All those charts and numbers going in the wrong directions (not to mention the inexpicable dismantling of perfectly operational electrical goods) can be somewhat distracting at times, so retreating into one's own little dark blogosphere can be quite comforting.
However, while UDH Boy is away, someone has to keep an eye on things, as, left to their own devices, the spot monkeys can make a right mess of things. I also got some funny looks from people with bluetooth headsets who haven't seen professional blogging in action.
From now on I will have to restrict my blogging activities to non-office hours...
Visible evidence that UDH Boy's desk is being put to practical use in his absence
thanks for the snap, Trywalker ;-)