Saturday 29 November 2008

On The Road

We're on the road to....
Updates may be intermittent...

Stop Press: Mini-somnambulist I has broken his wrist playing football and has been instructed that he cannot go skiing. I have no idea what he is going to do with himself for two weeks in the French Alps over xmas and NY. Still, the under-exercised hairy one will probably be glad of the company while everyone else is falling down a hill.

A couple of week's ago we took the mini-somnambulists to see Motorhead. So by a tenuously circuitous route we end up at...

Pop Quiz: For which famous act was Lemmy, lead growler of Motorhead, a roadie before he went front stage?


Lazy said...

Hope mini-Somnamulist the first is doing ok.

Hendrix .... or Abba, one of the two.
Thinking about it, a Lemmy influenced Abba would be a wonderful thing.

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Ouch!!!! - and I believe that Lemmy was with the Crankies for several months ....

penfold said...

Am I allowed to answer as for some reason my brain is a font for all things 'music-trivia' and therefore I feel I would be cheating? Don't forget 'which psychadelic rock band did he play bass for..?' in between his roady and frontman days...

Anonymous said...

Without consulting wikipedia - was it not Hawkwind?

Andrew Goulding

Somnambulist said...

@lazy - I'd pay good money to see Lemmy do dancing queen. Not sure it would ever happen...

@DP - It's possible. The Crankies were nuts. They could have got up to anything.

@penfold - I'll think of something more testing next time, just for you :-)

@laog - right first time. I was half expecting DP to come back with Eaglefart or something similarly silly!