Friday, 10 April 2009

Phriday Photo XXXV

It's Phriday. Jolly Good. The barbarian hordes are descending for the long weekend, meaning a marathon visit to the superdupermarket is unavoidable. An appropriate time, I think, to wheel out some of my favourite consumer products from around the world.

The Somnambulist's shopping basket...

To view previous Phriday Photos, click here!


Lazy said...

I've noticed a couple over here, but the one that made me chuckle had more to do with the description...

"For people who need a break from life's little irritations, rich and creamy hard NIPS® provide a soothing diversion."

Daddy Papersurfer said...

I'm afraid I can't except that kind invitation to luncheon - I'm washing my nostrils .....

Lord Andrew of Goulding said...

And the chef suggests:

Juissi Pussi followed by
Bum Bum Banana, topped off by
Cock Soup,

no doubt. Nice.

Somnambulist said...

@Lazy - "..creamy hard NIPS" how can that get through the marketing dept?!

@DP - Not, one hopes, with a bar of Homo Soap...

@laog - All washed down with lashings of Fart juice.

Anonymous said...

The shopping list made me lol which brought in a horde of noisy, nosy children. Managed to lose the blog before they were all over me and the 'pomme'.
Note to self - lock the intercommunicating doors!!!!

Anonymous said...

Heaven is in that Dream Room! There's not much wrong with the Dream Shower Room, either! How handsome is Sir Muttley? The soup kitchen also takes some beating.

Jay said...

Good grief ... that's an interesting menu you have there!

No, thanks, I won't stay for lunch. I'm unaccountably NOT HUNGRY!!


70steen said...

you know they sell 'Cock Soup' in my local supermarket ... I bought a sachet of it for my mate on her birthday figuring she could use some !! ... it is not for us Norverners but for our newly welcomed Eastern European settlers .. the shelf is labeled 'Polish Fayre'

Somnambulist said...

@anonymous - Always a good idea to read SR at a safe distance from those pesky kids.

Soup kitchen, now there's an idea...

@Jay - C'mon... live a little :-))

@70s - I hope your mate found it satisfying ;-)