Thursday 30 October 2008

Negativity Fatigue

Markets took a big bounce yesterday across the board. I have no idea whether this signals the base and it's the beginning of the turnaround, or whether it'll be a brief respite before another wave of asset value destruction. The general consensus seems to be that people just got bored of selling everyday and decided to buy, which I heard delightfully described as "negativity fatigue."

What a great phrase. According to TB, our man in Sydney, it's like, OK, we get it. The world is going down the dunny. Whatever. Our stocks are worthless, depression is on the way, the end of the banking industry as we know it, mass unemployment, cats and dogs living together. So, shall I light the barbie? Chuck us one of those cold tinnies, doll, and we'll worry about the rest of it tomorrow....

Had enough of feeling like this every day? Maybe you have "negativity fatigue"

p.s. Happy Birthday to AW... awwww ;-)


Daddy Papersurfer said...

..... and somehow most will survive another day ...... if I wasn't wearing my box, I'd try thinking outside it .......

Anonymous said...

aha! I tracked you down via daddyp, i knew I'd seen your name on someone's blogroll....

great penguin pic

Somnambulist said...

@DP - Glad to know you have the box back on again. I was concerned what you were up to when I saw the discarded box on the table.. terrorising the neighbours perhaps?

@Nursemyra - Thanks for dropping by! You reputation has preceded you actually, in the comments on this post...!

tNb said...

Barn's burnt down -- now I can see the moon.

(Love "negativity fatigue" - this could be my new life philosophy ...)

Somnambulist said...

@tango - I have always liked to ponder that phrase when visting AD... very evocative :-)

Anonymous said...

By the age of 21 I had made a small fortune playing the Sydney Futures Exchange. By the age of 22 I had lost most of it, the victim of an American shares crash.

Stranded in Sydney, you either take the highs or the lows from the US overnight - there's no in-between!

Consequently, I decided it wasn't for me and became well...whatever! Negative Fatigue? Nah! Aussies just love to bet, that's all - don't be tempted to read it as any more than that.


Andrew Goulding

Somnambulist said...

@laog - wow... from SFE wheeler-dealer to Internet, errr, presence. Sounds like a story...

I'm very aware of how you Ozzies like a punt, with a few on the team. Don't mind a bit of banter either :-D

70steen said...

it's like doing retail therapy when you have no money .....
makes you feel better in the moment but you know you will have to worry about it soon... hey if shoes are involved what the hell!!!

Somnambulist said...

@70s - no, no, no. Shoes or not, credit card retail therapy with nothing to pay the bill is the worst kind of drug.. quick hit and then years of pain :-O

(now, go and cheer yourself up with a bit of shopping!)

70steen said...

who mentioned credit cards I intend to use the banks money whilst I still have a free overdraft...... surely they can still afford the price of a pair of Jimmy Choo's .. can't they????

Anonymous said...

honoured to be quoted on your blog... however let it be known that despite thousands of genius quips over the years, that one was not mine.. I don't even know who's it was! If you're in the forest and you don't know the source of a quote or phrase, and a tree falls over, can you claim it as your own?

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way. I tagged you! ;)

Somnambulist said...

@70s - OK when you say Jimmy Choo's I assume this is either rhyming slang for or a brand of shoes... whichever I am out of my depth and bow to your superior knowledge on the matter. You win - shop til you drop!

@bambam - I should just take the credit and shirk the responsibility. That seems to be the current modus operandi ;-)

@Jay - Thanks. I think... will I be allowed outside the house without a buzzer going off?